5 Roses Bouquets
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Single Wrapped Roses
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UAE National Day Flower Basket
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Hydrangea wholesale
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Lilly Wholesale
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Birthday florist in Dubai ! Order Online

We have some great handpicked flowers for celebrating your birthdays with your country style. we have special couriers who can deliver on time anywhere in Dubai.

DxBFlower is one of the oldest and best in the industry from the last 12 years, since we mainly concentrating on online orders from our customers.

We expecting your suggestions for creating different birthday presents for your imagination. Try visit our Birthday flowers selections, you can pick or sort by prices variety etc.

We assure you we deliver with honesty your thoughtful flowers.

Check out huge selections of flowers which is more than 500 products with flower arrangements, balloon bouquets and fruit baskets which we deliver same day delivery in throughout Dubai.

One of most reasonable and discounted flowers are Lilies and roses, and we provide most seasonable or special flowers if you provide us 24hrs time for delivery. We very rarely substitute flowers.

Another great fun is we provide deliveries of products which is not listed in website due to demand from customers.

We provide flowers with cakes for your birthday with customized messages on Cakes.

We are very rarely store flowers so once order arrives we process order and get fresh flowers from the suppliers.

Other Birthday special delivery products are fruits and gourmet baskets. Available in different sizes and mixed products. This will be exiting welcome products for your bellowed.